Uploaded on September 7, 2011

Lucy Michael never believed in God
Until her father died
Without warning
Just like that
Like hello and goodbye

Larry Michael lived his life as if he would never die
After all
He had no experience in dying
It wasn’t like the flu
That came and went and then came back the next season
He understood the flu
And learned to do something about it
But he’d never died before
And didn’t think of death like he thought about the flu

At the memorial service
A young minister
Said some nice things about God and Larry and the hereafter
And Lucy began to wonder
About the the future that would never become her father’s
She thought about the money he had amassed
The stock market he studied every day
Wondering when IBM would rebound
And then
The thought came to Lucy
That life didn’t make any sense at all
If there was no God

Lucy Micheal never believed
in God
before her father
At least she didn’t talk
much about God
And when others did
She scoffed at the idea
Like it was all a lot of hocus-pocus
But when her father died
And when she heard the young minister
Talking and praying
Something inside of her
She believed in God
It was all that simple
Like hello and goodbye

—Theodore A. Borrillo
Random Thoughts for Rainy Days

09.07.2023: A lot can change in 12 years.