Uploaded on October 3, 2011

Junior Asparagus loves to draw.
He knows all his colors, too!
Here are some pictures of things that he saw—
He wanted to share them with you!

White is the color of big fluffy clouds
That float through the sky overhead.
A marshmallow’s white,
and a big snowball fight,
But Bob is very red.

Orange is the color of Laura the Carrot
And Lenny and Jimmy Gourd, too.
It’s usually found on the beak of a parrot
Or Junior’s balloon from the zoo!

Yellow is mellow.
It’s great for your Jell-O!
Or maybe the fur on a cat—
Or Laura’s bright hair or the sun in the air,
Or the crown of Junior’s hat!

When Junior gets dirty and needs a good scrub,
The water is sparkling Blue
So is the boat he can float in his tub.
And the bottle that holds his shampoo!

Black is the color of nighttime—
When Junior is tucked in bed.
A bowling ball’s black and a licorice snack,
But Bob is very red.

Junior finds Purple on lilacs and orchids,
The flowers his mom likes the most!
It’s also in use in his favorite juice
And the jelly he puts on his toast.

Green is the color of springtime—
Of grass and bushes and trees!
That’s why if you fall when you’re chasing a ball
You get green on your elbows and knees!

When God made the world, he used all sorts of colors—
Some of them brighter and some of them duller.
But most of the veggies we’ve seen
Came out in a nice shade of green …

To see what we mean, look at Phil Winkelstein.
Or old buddy Larry (but not Jim and Jerry).
How ’bout Junior’s mother?
Or Percy Pea’s brother?
The scallions (all three) and Archie, you see,
Are green from toe to head …

But Bob is very Red!

—Phil Vischer

10.03.2023: Veggie Tales was a favorite for my first four kids, but not such a big part of my last two kids’ world.