Duty. Everywhere I look, I see people trying to “do their duty.” So few of us understand that it’s not about duty. It’s about passion. But why the confusion? Because we can’t turn around without bumping into someone who is ready and all too willing to explain things to us, to point out how we’re doing it wrong, to warn us about the consequences of our actions and our thoughts, to stop us from listening to the breath of God whispering in our soul. I no longer find myself certain of much. Trust has become a matter of consciously choosing and never being sure that who or what I place my faith in will be worthy of it in the future. So, where does that leave me? Either adrift with no place to anchor or tied up in a harbor. No, that’s not right. What good is a boat that never leaves the marina? A boat is built to sail over the waves, over the world. We need to stop trying to prevent everything and everyone from becoming who they were meant to be. What I need to do—and it truly is the best I can do—is unfurl my sail so it readily catches the breeze in which I might hear the voice of God.