Why not use the “Journal” category on this site? You know, in many ways, this place is like home, as it should be. When I purchased ruffedgedesign.com all those years ago, I had grand notions. Those have come and gone, as have the images and words that have peopled this place now and again.

This morning, when I decided that I’d post here, I planned on typing up what I had added to the Yellow Ochre Paperblanks book that serves as the third installment of my healing journal. Reading the entry over again convinced me that it wouldn’t be worthwhile.

So, I guess I’ll write about the latest round of emotional abuse that’s being lobbed my way. Once again, it comes in the form of the silent treatment. This time, it’s from a friend who seemed capable of handling things. I guess not. Since she won’t respond to any of my entreaties, I’m left to guess at what’s going on, so I can only assume that my Confession about leaving the Church reads like an indictment of her or threatens her (and her faith?) or feels like a betrayal/attack somehow? You got me swinging, but with no input, how am I to know? Fuck. I hate people who refuse to communicate.