Uploaded on June 14, 2011

I am a famous monster
who roams from place to place,
renowned by reputation,
though few have seen my face.
My arms and legs are scrawny,
my torso is the same,
my hands are both gigantic,
they’re how I’ve gained my fame.

Unlike my raucous colleagues,
who fill the air with roars,
I’m not by nature noisy,
until I knock on doors.
One knock is quite sufficient
to make a door collapse —
Do I exist? Perhaps!

–Jack Prelutsky
It’s Raining Pigs and Noodles

The kids and I had fun creating this image. I rolled up socks and stuffed them in other socks to make each finger of the monster’s hand. It took a little doing to get the whole thing to work, and I ended up removing the door from one or two of its hinges.