Uploaded on January 1, 2012

Said one little pig, on New Year’s Day,
“Though I’ve always liked having my own way—
Right now, with the year all span-brand new,
I resolve that I’ll try a new way, too!”

He wrote on paper, “I’ll just stop pushing,
And, when folks say ‘quiet!’ I’ll start shushing.
I’ll share my apples with friends I make—
And I may even, might even, share my cake!”

He wrote on paper, and did it too—
And he did make friends, yes, one or two—
And he did make three and even more—
Why, in one, two, three, his friends were four:

A very small pig that hates a push,
A very old pig that loves a shush,
A policeman pig, who’s an apple eater,
And his mother, who has a new eggbeater

For beating up eggs, for baking cake.
“Umhummm,” she says. “That’s just what I’ll make
For one little pig who’s as good as gold,
With the New Year already nine hours old!”

—Kathryn Jackson
The Golden Book of 365 Stories

01.01.2024: A great deal of baking has been happening in my house as of late.